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Use of cutting pick for rock tunneling machine by a coal mine in Shanxi

       Rock tunnel of the coal mine in Shanxi has complicated geological environment, where rock stratums include mudstone, rocky mudstone, quartz sandstone etc. Due to large cross section of construction and tight schedule, selection of cutting pick is of vital importance, and cutting picks of the same model may have different effects.
       For evaluation of characteristics of cutting picks of various brands, the mine has performed comparative study on AID pick and similar pick of another brand, and concluded that quality of AID pick is much higher than that of the other brand and is up to the import standard.
       It is learned from worker of the mine that, in mudstone tunnel with hardness F<6, AID pick has significant effect, cutting speed and efficiency and its alloy bit never falls during use, while use effect of the other cutting pick is similar and very close to AID product. 
       In rocky mudstone, however, daily wastage of cutting pick of the other brand increases obviously, resulting in serious wear and poor tunneling effect. Dedicated to such stratum, AID pick has wear resistance and tunneling efficiency much higher than similar ones, with daily advance over 4m.
       In quartz sandstone, cutting picks of both brands have obvious wastage, but AID pick generally has longer life about 4 hours, which is known as consistent with that of imported picks. However, service life of cutting pick of the other brand is only 2.5 hours, which is much below the cutting standard.
       Additionally, cutting pick of the branch has alloy bit falling frequently and is not sufficiently used, leading to waste to certain extent. The alloy bit of AID pick is firmly welded and rarely falls. On the whole, AID pick has wastage obviously lower than the other brand.
       Finally, AID pick is mostly used as the cutting tool for the total rock tunnel near 1000m, including quartz sandstone tunnel about 280m, half-coal tunnel 160m and total rock tunnel 560m. AID pick shows service life, wear resistance and welding degree of alloy bit much superior to similar pick of other brand.